Science and Environmental Policy Project – Nov. 24, 2018

The Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP) publishes a weekly report in fulfillment of their objective to challenge government environmental policies based on poor science. The latest report can be found here. I find their weekly comments to be very insightful. You can get a feel for their work by reading their weekly report. The first page of this week’s report is included in this post to give you a feel for what they cover.



The Week That Was: 2018-11-24 (November 24, 2018)
Brought to You by SEPP (
The Science and Environmental Policy Project

Quote of the Week: “I have observed that not the man who hopes when others despair, but the man who despairs when others hope, is admired by a large class of persons as a sage.” ? John Stuart Mill [H/t Matt Ridley]

Number of the Week: $1,096/MWh – An increase of 22 times

By Ken Haapala, President, Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)

Dear Reader of The Week That Was,

The Science & Environmental Policy Project (SEPP) is a 501-c-3 organization, incorporated in Virginia. Its Federal I.D. Number is 54-1645372 and donations are US tax deductible. Established in 1990 by S. Fred Singer to challenge government environmental policies based on poor science, SEPP stands for objective science, based on hard evidence.

No matter how elaborate, results from numerical models that are not thoroughly tested against hard evidence are speculation and can not be relied upon. Testing the results from using parts of a model against the results from the entire model is a ruse used by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). It is like declaring a simple linear model with two unknowns has a unique solution. Major government policies based on speculation are a waste of resources.

Our founder, Dr. Singer, is Chairman emeritus. Physicist Dr. Thomas Sheahen is Chairman. Other distinguished scientists serve on the board of directors. Ken Haapala continues as president and oversees general operations. We continue to be very productive.

Two prevalent myths are damaging our economy and hurting the less fortunate: 1) greenhouse gases, chiefly carbon dioxide, are causing dangerous global warming; and 2) wind and solar can easily replace fossil fuels, nuclear, and hydro in electricity generation. Both are false, yet widely accepted. We continue to contest these myths, and others, with hard evidence.

In collaboration with like-minded groups, we produce hard-hitting comments for the public record and provide scientific testimony on Federal government climate and energy policy. We are actively attempting to eliminate or change the EPA’s endangerment finding, that carbon dioxide, CO2, poses a danger to public health, which lacks hard evidence.

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