Empirical Scientific Data Ignored in Climate Change

Another example of how the empirical scientific data is ignored or massaged to support an agenda. See the one-page document [BasicClimateQuestions.pdf] for the four basic questions that the UN IPCC should be asking about Climate Change. It is one of the best and most concise explanations of what science and temperature measurements are telling us about the “threat” of Global Warming. Print this one-page document and keep it as a reference. The complaint about how the empirical scientific data is being massaged/altered to fit an agenda is summarized in [4.4Empirical.pdf]. It provides a summary of empirical evidence on Climate. An outline for the complete report can be found in [CSIROh_18.3.2013.pdf]. All of the Appendices referenced can be found at http://www.climate.conscious.com.au/CSIROh!.html. These documents provide a good summary of the scientific issues on which any creditable public policy should be based. More details are provided at http://www.climate.conscious.com.au/empiricaloh.html.


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