Reflections on our trip to Ukraine and Bulgaria in October 2017

This is the official Post on my website of the article I sent out towards the end of our trip to Ukraine and Bulgaria. Some of you may have received this already as an email with the Subject = Thoughts For Your Consideration, but I wanted to post it for the record.

As many of you know Gerda and I have been on a missions trip

overseas (Ukraine and Bulgaria). We will be back home on Wed.
Nov. 1. I find the time we spend on long airline flights a good time
to catch up on my reading and collecting my thoughts on issues
that matter – without disruptions from email, text messages
and phone calls. I’m summarizing some of what I have learned
from my reading and interactions with evangelical leaders in
the countries we have visited and given messages in. In no
particular order, here are my thoughts. A summary of what
we did in Ukraine and Bulgaria is provided below.1. I read the 100 year anniversary edition of the Forbes magazine
on our flight to Europe. It included short articles by 100 very
successful business leaders of the last few decades and what
they attribute their success to. Here are some of their conclusions
that caught my attention. Some fit in both categories A. & B.
A. Character Issues that stand out:
– leave a legacy that can be duplicated/copied
– go to battle for what you believe in
– have a sense of purpose
– avoid negative people
– be skeptical, be a Berean, seek the truth
– be a man of your word
– I should have done this a long time ago
– do right by your customers, employees, and backers
– worry about your character, not by your reputation
– don’t get stuck in the past
– if a door closes, find a window that opens
– maintain a culture of respect
– reputation is eternal
– look beyond your horizon
– we have a mission beyond our profits
– be humble
B. Business Ideas that stand out:
– believe in big ideas
– establish your goal/objective
– ask the question, what do you need to achieve your goal?
– how do you reach your audience? consider social media
– keep the winners, sell the losers
– build momentum
– don’t let others define your limits
– assign responsibility to a few good people
– invest in ideas/technologies others question or are skeptical about
– what resources do we have that others want?
– what’s the next technology that will follow Moore’s Law
– you can’t do everything alone
– we listen, we learn, we understand – and create things
– this is going to change mankind’s life
– empower people with ability
– act with clarity, responsibility, and transparency
– give the customer your best

2. Based on extensive reading on new technologies, here is
what I consider to be things that will impact and disrupt
our future more, and sooner, than most people expect.
Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies (the next Revolution
beyond the Internet) that will disrupt the financial world
as well as other industries in ways that most people do
not expect.
Robotics that will disrupt the job market.
Increased access to information by all world citizens
giving a competitive edge to currently disenfranchised
world citizens without Internet access.
Uber/Lyft drivers and self driving cars that will impact the
use of automobiles, the insurance industry, the auto repair
industry, car manufacturing, etc.
– Enhanced use of genetics to treat diseases.

3. Read Nathan Busenitz’s new book on Right Thinking in a
    Church Gone Astray. This book contains articles by mostly
theologians with some association with Master’s Seminary
and University. These articles arm readers with right thinking
and biblical answers to some of the most challenging questions
that we face today. They help us develop a Christian perspective
on key issues such as political activism, homosexual marriage,
euthanasia and suicide, disasters and epidemics, environmentalism,
abortion and birth control, immigration, and God and the problem
of evil. I found that these articles do indeed provide much-needed
clarity for today’s church. I highly recommend this book to
those interested in our biblical mandate to engage today’s culture.
We need to avoid compromising truth in the name of relevance
and ignoring sin under the guise of tolerance.

4. Have now read half way through the new book by Jonathan Wells
on Zombie Science – More Icons of Evolution. This book is a
follow on to his book on Icons of Evolution that he wrote
in 2000. Wells argues that science is being corrupted. Empirical
science is devolving into zombie science that ignores evidence.
The ten discredited icons of Evolution that he identified in his
first book on this topic are still with us with six more equally bogus
icons. The first ten icons include Haeckel’s faked embryo drawings,
peppered moths glued to tree trunks, Darwin’s finches, etc.
In this book he identifies six new bogus icons which lack the
scientific evidence to make them true. Zombie science is real,
threatening not just science, but also our culture. He dedicates
his new book to students who need to discern the truth for
themselves. Wells argues that the case in favor of Evolution
is being driven by a commitment to materialistic philosophy,
and not by scientific evidence. I highly recommend this book
to those interested in understanding the Evolution/Design
debate being waged in today’s culture.

5. I spoke at and participated in a large Creation Conference in
Kiev, Ukraine during our time there. There is a very strong
Christian presence in Ukraine. The conference was held in
the Christian Hope Church in Kiev over four days. My keynote
talks and workshop participation is covered at the bottom
of this web page on my website:
The church which hosted the Creation Conference also
asked me to bring the Sunday morning message on
You Can Trust The Bible. I gave another message on
Information: The Basis For Life at CBN:Emmanuel chapel
time for their staff. Gerda spent her time in Ukraine working
with various groups teaching them various crafts, including
quilting. The groups included Refugee Women, Orphans,
and Teachers at CBN:Emmanuel. There was much interest
in what Gerda taught – very productive time. Gerda left
them with a large suitcase full of quilts, other crafts, and
a supply of craft tools. A number of the women will use
these supplies to carry on the craft/quilting ministry.
We made a lot of new contacts in Ukraine – some asking
when we can come back to bring more messages and do
more training in crafts.

6. We spent the rest of our time in Bulgaria with Emil and Tedi,
the indigenous missionaries working with Campus Crusade.
One of the meetings was held in a town about 3 hours drive
from Varna where Emil and Tedi live. Here they had gathered
about 20 unbelievers to listen to my message on Has Science
Now Buried God? The lecture lasted about 90 minutes and
the unbelievers in the audience asked some very good questions.
They understood that I did not believe in Evolution because
there is no good science in support of it. The dialogue between
the audience and myself was very respectful of the other’s
opinions. I gave them a lot to think about. Q&A took another
60 minutes. Pray for changed hearts. Two different messages
were given at Campus Crusade office where students from the
local university campuses in Varna gathered for meetings.
Also attended two other Campus Crusade meetings to
observe and meet more students – one was an English Camp.
Met privately with some students to answer their questions.
The church that hosted our visit asked me to give the
Sunday morning message on You Can Trust The Bible.
This I did. Pray for results. All the messages given in Bulgaria
are on my website at the bottom of this web page.
Gerda left the quilting material that she had brought for this
purpose with an older lady who had carried on the quilting
efforts that Gerda had taught her the last time we were here.
Two more women expressed interest in quilting and other
crafts during our time here. They received more training
from Gerda. Good progress was made on all fronts.



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